Your members will leave with strategies, tools, and actions to implement immediately to access inherent resilience and personal brilliance in this practical, motivational and entertaining program.
See Mary Fran’s Speaker Sheet HERE, or scroll below!
Since 2019, America has seen a 93% increase in anxiety screenings and a 62% increase in depression screenings ( It has never been more important to equip individuals and communities with the skills to uncover inherent Resilience. But Resilience is just the beginning. Challenges can help us discover our unique Brilliance—the gift we are meant to share with the world.
From Broken to Brilliant: How to Live a Brilliantly Resilient Life
The 15 Minute Master — How to Make Everything Better 15 Minutes at a Time
Building Leadership with Resilience
Ending Our Addiction to Awesome — Based on TEDx Lehigh
Surviving Addiction — Helping Families Survive Addiction
When you bring Brilliantly Resilient to your group or organization, your members will learn to create powerful teams and communities as they:
Delivered with authenticity and humor by Mary Fran Bontempo, your membership will learn to come through crisis Brilliant, not broken, to move towards personal and professional fulfillment and success.
Brilliantly Resilient is ideal for groups including (but not limited to):
The program can be presented in various formats including: Keynote, Workshop Session, Half or full-day Retreats, Virtual or In-Person.