The 5 day
Discover Your Brilliance Challenge
Everyone, every single one of us, has Brilliance. Something unique about who we are and what we bring to the world. Our Brilliance may be something that we use in our professional lives or it may be the thing that gives our personal lives meaning. It’s our gift, and we’re meant to share it. In this five day Discover Your Brilliance Challenge, you’ll receive daily lessons to uncover your gifts, build your brilliance, develop an action plan for continued success, and so much more!
This DISCOVER YOUR BRILLIANCE CHALLENGE can change your life. But you have to CHOOSE. Stop playing the “poor me, I’m just mediocre” game. You can be that if you want, but not with us. We believe everyone, yes, especially YOU, has Brilliance they are meant to share with the rest of us. It’s time for you to show us your gift and claim your Brilliance!