
Meet Mary Fran Bontempo

Welcome to Brilliantly Resilient! I’m Mary Fran Bontempo and I know my Brilliance. But I didn’t always. In fact, I know what it feels like to be lost, afraid, unproductive, unsuccessful and unhappy-in other words, BROKEN. That’s a lot of yuck, but without it, there would have been no need for RESILIENCE, the key to uncovering your BRILLIANCE. I’ve learned my lessons the hard way, with few resources and little guidance. And while the road was rough–like ugly crying rough–I also managed to come through with skills, tools and strategies that helped me not only survive, but thrive, in crisis and beyond.

I want to share what I’ve learned with you, because though the details of our challenges may differ, we all have Resilience, and yes, unique Brilliance within each and every one of us. I’m here to help you come through Brilliant, not broken. So check out my programs, books, podcast, and sign up for our Brilliantly Resilient Facebook Community, where we’ll laugh, learn and thrive.

Let’s be Brilliantly Resilient together!! 

Mary Fran Bontempo

Mary Fran Bontempo

Mary Fran Bontempo is an award-winning 2-time TEDx and Keynote speaker, workshop presenter, author, humorist and podcast host who teaches audiences to uncover their Brilliance and Resilience 15 minutes at a time. A sought-after speaker for corporate and association events, Mary Fran is author of The 15 Minute Master and The Woman’s Book of Dirty Words and co-founder of the life-changing program Brilliantly Resilient. Mary Fran proves small changes are the answer to navigating big challenges and creating life-altering transformations. An Entrepreneur.com, Huffington Post, Thrive Global contributor and columnist for numerous websites, Mary Fran created a life-affirming brand of practical strategies, wisdom and wit after meeting the challenge of her son’s heroin addiction. A frequent media guest and speaker, audiences delight in her practical, empowering and entertaining message. Find her at www.maryfranbontempo.com.

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Do you want to come through Broken or Brilliant?                               – Kristin Smedley

Welcome to Brilliantly Resilient! We are Mary Fran Bontempo and Kristin Smedley, and we know our Brilliance. But we didn’t always. In fact, we know what it feels like to be lost, afraid, unproductive, unsuccessful and unhappy. That’s a lot of yuck, but without it, there would have been no need for RESILIENCE, the key to uncovering your BRILLIANCE.

We’ve learned our lessons the hard way, with few resources and little guidance. And while the road was rough–like ugly crying rough–we also managed to come through with skills, tools and strategies that helped us not only survive, but thrive, in crisis and beyond.

We want to share what we’ve learned with you, because though the details of challenges may differ, we all have Resilience, and yes, unique Brilliance within each and every one of us. We’re here to help you come through Brilliant, not broken.

So check out our programsonline show,  podcast, sign up for our Facebook Community, laugh, learn, and let’s be Brilliantly Resilient together!! 


Kristin Smedley

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With two of her three children born blind, Kristin Smedley was thrown into a mother’s nightmare with her dreams for her sons’ futures torn apart. Determined that her boys would become productive, vital individuals, Kristin dove headfirst into uncharted waters to equip her sons with the skills and tools they needed to build successful, happy lives. Kristin partnered with Comcast to encourage and promote equipment for the visually impaired, testified before the FDA for legislation for better services for the blind, founded a non-profit for genetic disease research, delivered a TEDx talk centered on setting Extraordinary Expectations, and wrote a book showing both blind and sighted readers the possibilities that exist with imagination and determination. Kristin’s boundless energy and generous spirit allow her to carry her message of empowerment and hope to audiences beyond the blind community through her motivational speaking and programs. Find her at: www.kristinsmedley.com.


Mary Fran Bontempo

A person in a blue shirt
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Mary Fran Bontempo is an award-winning 2-time TEDx speaker, author, humorist and podcast host who teaches audiences to uncover their brilliance and resilience 15 minutes at a time. A sought-after presenter, Mary Fran is author of The 15 Minute Master and The Woman’s Book of Dirty Words and co-founder of the Brilliantly Resilient LIVE show and podcast. Mary Fran proves small changes can create life-altering transformations, allowing individuals to be positive and successful in a rapidly changing world. A Huffington Post, Thrive Global contributor and columnist for numerous websites, Mary Fran created a life-affirming brand of wisdom and wit after meeting the challenge of her son’s heroin addiction. A frequent media guest and speaker for corporate, faith-based, and educational organizations, audiences of all ages delight in her empowering and entertaining message. Find her at www.maryfranbontempo.com.